Time is the Bridge between who you are today and who you aspire to become.
It is the distance between effort and the results you desire.

Time is the persistent diligence that carries you from your “here” to your “there.”
It is the steady ticking that constantly reminds you an end is drawing near.


Time isn’t something you possess – it’s something you create.

It is the intention you commit to with your current self to achieve your ultimate identity.


Time is a relative concept. There’s Tomato Time, Corn Time, Iroko Time, and Bamboo Time.

Understanding the nature of your product and trusting the rhythm of your “time” is crucial to maintaining the optimism needed to stay on course.


Sometimes the wait to see your “time” materialise, or your desires come true can be discouraging; yet, you must give it time.


So, today, give it time. Trust the process. Eventually, without a doubt, “it” will pay off.




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