How do we survive the constant challenges of a rapidly evolving society – economic instability, ill norms, misguided beliefs and crumbling systems? Whether it’s unemployment, moral decay, the rising living cost, the hustle of chaotic city streets, or the endless barrage of societal unrest?
How do we cope with diversity intolerance at work, home, institutions, or even in trusted relationships? The gridlock of an avoidable maze? The blaring horns of impatient drivers on congested roads? The repugnant raspy calls of bus conductors and their carbon-monoxide-spewing vehicles? – the pressure is relentless.
And then, at day’s end, we retreat to the cacophony of power generators from an unassuming neighbourhood, hoping for a restful night. Otherwise, we’re doomed in the suffocating heat of a pitch-black room, to be attended to by our only companions – mosquitoes, armed with straws for proboscis.
How do we manage to weather it all without creasing our “white/blue/yellow collar”? Without breaking a sweat? WITHOUT GOING INSANE?
Is it MASTERY at its finest… or INSANITY at its “subtlest”?
One writer said, “Insanity is the dark/night times of our lives, and Sanity, the light/daytimes.” By this, moments of uncertainty, confusion, hurt, pain, sadness, disappointment, fear, and shame are Insane moments. In contrast, moments of delight, victory, joy, good health, and happiness are Sane moments.
It suffices to say then, that DAILY, we unconsciously or consciously slip in and out of these emotional extremes. Our level of Emotional Mastery – the ability to navigate and regulate our emotions – determines the duration of our stay in these dark moments. Whether we get pulled into emotional turbulence for a brief period or remain stuck, leaving behind a tide-washed path through a blooming garden of self-doubt, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and eventually, the leafy tree of SUICIDE.
But we have a CHOICE…
We can choose to survive, RISE, and stay above the challenges.
We can choose to make the moments of sanity our more stable habitat.
We can choose clarity and emotional strength, despite the chaos around us.
These choices are within our control, and our choice is our greatest power. So, no matter how many times we fall or fail…
We BOUNCE BACK, STAY UP, and NEVER give up until WE WIN!
Even if we don’t win, we will be sure to finish STRONG.
Check out THIS COURSE for a great way to navigate life’s chaos and start the journey toward finishing strong.
2 June 2021 at 6:52 PM
The important thing is we can ‘chose’!!! We always need to remember that we can chose even if no one else agrees with our choice. Now the mastery aspect would come from developing Self awareness and the ability to know the right choice to make in any given situation.