Dark brown eyes, framed by hair to match,

Chocolate skin, kissed with a few dark patches.

Skinny but healthy was my desired destination –

Chubby but beautiful is my grateful position.


Some mornings, my voice greets the sun in a velvety baritone,

Other days, it ripples like sweet waters, full of fun.

Walking tall, shoulders squared, I defied timidity with every step.

When anxiety crept in, no one could tell the difference.

It wasn’t always confidence, just a mastery of undetectable pretense.

But for whom? And why? And for how long?

Questions swirled through my mind, like whispers in a quiet storm.

Now, they’re ready to be splattered in a thousand different ways.

This is who I’ve become – shaped by the sights, sounds, and experiences of yesterday.


For fear of rejection, I buried my values,

Fleeing the venom of cruel tongues, I stood for nothing.

My loyalty was bathed in slimy betrayal,

And my trust shredded in the bin of empty delusions.


Your insensitivity was a mask for your own fractured soul,

A stench that locked you in the dungeons of insecurity.

In blind loyalty to you, I lost friends, family, and allies,

And cared for none – until I lost myself, too.

But oh, how that loss set me free!

Once lost, now found; blind, but now I see.

In the light of truth, I found hope where despair once ruled.

Uncertainty still lingers, but staying here will never get me there –

To the place I truly desire.

Good, better – what does it matter?

Better to live with hope than to die in shame.

Better to die believing in something than live for nothing of value.


From this moment, I take the wheel of my life’s automobile.

As the captain of my mind’s control room,

I dictate my narrative and redefine my outcomes.

I see who I’ve become, and I accept it.

I anticipate who I am becoming, and I commit to it.

I will show up each day for it –

And I will never give up until I win at it.


And even if I do not win, I will FINISH STRONG!





  • Oyinade Seweje


    1 June 2021 at 8:28 PM

    Good Stuff!!! I am still reading. I don’t intend to rush in on anyone article as I love the style of writing. Just peeked and ‘submerged’ into reading “Ever asked Why?”. I sense the Power of your self-rediscovery and uniqueness (my own opinion). My interpretation of this ‘Level of God-given Wisdom’. You, I, We through our various capacities display in Seasons of our being Unveiled (Revelations) if we ever would know, realise or even embrace it can be described as this to me ……..’ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, to preach Goodnews to the Meek, to bind the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives to open the prison gates to them that are bound’.

    In this regard, I finish with this understanding, our individual discovery brings along emancipation and enables us to embrace our God-given Truth.

    I say thanks in advance for sharing with everyone that cares to know your God-given truth through your style and line of write-ups. Very Profound.

  • Adanze


    1 June 2021 at 7:29 PM

    “It is better to live with HOPE than to die in shame”

    These are words on Marble!!!

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