I spent most of my early career as a Human Resources professional supporting the organisations where I worked to stay internally and externally desirable to existing and intending stakeholders. One of the most cherished aspects of my work was closely supervising and actively participating in the Business Process Reengineering interventions – both as an employee and an external consultant. I always found the process intriguing and the ensuing results which provided the organisation’s SWOT analysis often laid bare what needed to be done urgently and sustainably to achieve and maintain the organisation’s most desired goal.

A few years later, while strategising on a roadmap for myself after being shown out of paid employment prematurely, I found myself stuck at an identity level where I could neither define myself outside the job that I had previously held nor see myself beyond it. It was then that I believed there was nothing else to live for.  Thankfully, the suicidal ideations didn’t last long as I anchored onto my immediate family.

As I stayed longer in deep introspection to find a pathway forward, I realised that I was anchoring, yet again, to something outside myself. This time, it was my husband and children. Just as I had once defined myself by a job, I was now defining myself by them. The reality of the children growing up and leaving me someday to form their own homes threatened even worse.

This anchor was short-lived. I realised that I had to anchor onto something from within me. I had to stop defining myself by external things – a job, a fat bank account, a spouse, children, friends, social networks, influence, a fancy wardrobe, etc. I had to define myself from who I was within. Something that I could create and draw from, and even if I was ever going to lose it, I could recreate it, FROM WITHIN.

As I continued in self-reflection, I remembered the years of Business Reengineering for organisations. Then the big question hit –

If organisations/institutions can spend tangible time and millions of dollars periodically on Business Reengineering interventions to review “Who They Are”, “Where They Are”, “Where They Desire To Get To”, ‘What They Need To Do To Achieve Their Goal”and “How They Need To Go About It”, why do individuals not prioritise themselves in the same manner?

Yet again, if organisations/institutions can execute a SWOT analysis, which requires teams comprising individuals to execute, realise and sustain, why should individuals not carry out the same level of self-strategy to ensure that they optimise their talents and skills for personal fulfilment and social impact? This was the turning point for me. I had to redefine and then reposition myself to survive and thrive at a crucial point in my life. This was what birthed the Self-Reengineering concept.

Self-Reeingineering is a 7-step process designed to guide individuals to carry out a self-strategy that allows them to set, position themselves, reach for, achieve and sustain personal aspirations. It enables individuals to build and sustain internal and external integrity while staying steadily confident of who they have become and motivated by who they can become.

The 7 Steps of Self-Reeingineering

  1. Self-Discovery: This is the step where you ask yourself a lot of questions that will help you understand and become more familiar with yourself. It is an exploratory phase that will require intense excavation. The questions to ask may be innumerable and would vary with each individual. It is a very sensitive step as it could birth new awareness that may be threatening. Nevertheless, it is a crucial aspect that would help you realise the concept of “WHO YOU ARE” or better still, “WHO YOU HAVE BECOME”.
  2. Self-Awareness: This is the step of consciousness where you either become aware of how competent or inept you are. Whatever the outcome is, IT IS GOOD, because it allows you to make the most pivotal decision of your life; the Decision to Remain The Same or to Change. If you choose to “Change”, then this is also the step where you SET A GOAL for where you want to get to or what you want to achieve.
  1. Self-Appreciation: This is the non-judgement, but recognition and reward step. Acknowledging tangible and intangible efforts, regardless of the outcomes, is crucial for sustaining intrinsic motivation and optimism. Recognising your abilities, potential, service, commitment, etc. are significant forms of self-appreciation.
  1. Self-Improvement: The Goal that you set in the Self-Awareness step requires work. This is the step where the work must be done and there are three primary questions to ask yourself –
      • What must I START doing?
      • What must I STOP doing?
      • What must I IMPROVE?
  1. Self-Application: It’s time to engage. This is the step where you put your acts of improvement to the test and give your best shot at it.
      • Take that examination!
      • Go for that interview!
      • Speak to that Lady!
      • Request that Pay raise!
      • Write that Book!


  1. Self-Evaluation:This is the assessment step where you appraise yourself to determine whether your results measure up with the goal(s) that you were working toward. Depending on your outcome, the options to proceed would vary. If you do not attain your Goal, return to Step 2 and repeat the process from there: Self-Awareness → Self-Appreciate Self-Improve Self-Apply Self-Evaluate.

However, if you do attain your Goal, then you may proceed to Step 7, SELF-MASTERY.

  1. Self-Mastery: This is the final step of the Self-Reegineering process. It represents the attainment of expertise, albeit only at the current level. The question then remains whether you decide to stay on the current achievement level or change to another. If you choose to move to another, then you must SET A NEW GOAL, then proceed to a new level and Self-Reengineer all over.

Ultimately, the process of Self-Reengineering is a consistent development cycle of becoming and rebecoming for each new level of achievement to be your most optimal self, suitable to handle the complexities of diverse phases in life and be successful at them. The process will help you to

  • Acknowledge your distinct personal identity;
  • Identify and commit your strengths to resourceful use;
  • Recognise your weaknesses and employ strategies to mitigate or turn them into potential strengths;
  • Prepare for, spot and seize opportunities to engage your strengths;
  • Measure and take intentional steps to withstand or overcome imminent or potential threats;
  • Predict your desired outcome by setting inspiring goals;
  • Implement strategies of execution to achieve your desired goal; and
  • Periodically evaluate your performance to determine what to repeat or mitigate.

This is your personal SWOT analysis. When did you last carry out one for yourself? How did you get it done? What tools did you deploy? What was your outcome?

I invite you to embark on a transformative journey through Self-Reengineer. Start today by enrolling in the Self-Reengineering Course or grab the SPOT-Me Tool, your perfect on-the-go, strategic, self-reflective companion.

I’d love to hear about your Self-Reengineering journey and look forward to partnering with you to spread this empowering message within your local and global community.



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